Homemade pregnancy tests are simple, non-medical methods to detect a pregnancy. Since not many pregnancy kits were available in the olden days, these tests were widely used to confirm a pregnancy. Some still rely on these pregnancy tests; however, they are not as precise as blood tests or modern home pregnancy tests. Nevertheless, many women are curious to try these tests. If you are among them, you could try some safe and easy homemade tests that do not affect your health. Want to know more about DIY pregnancy tests that are simple and easily doable at the comfort of your home? We have got you covered. But, first, let us begin by addressing the most common concern: how accurate are these tests? Read on to find out.

How Accurate Are Homemade Pregnancy Tests?

Home DIY tests are not accurate. Though these tests work similar to pregnancy kits, there is no scientific evidence to prove their accuracy. The evidence available is derived from the experiences of the users. Also, it is not easy to detect the results because:

Anecdotal evidence shows that the urine from non-pregnant women can also show the same reactions.

The chemical reaction may vary depending on the product’s quantity and quality.

The exact quantity of the urine and the ingredients is not known. It means you might end up using too little or too much of it.

You can try these tests to have some fun. But no way should these substitute a standard urine pregnancy test. Also, if women in your family or friends circle have tried it previously and got the right result, you might want to try these DIYs. In that case, read on as we share some of the most popular homemade pregnancy tests.

11 Homemade Pregnancy Tests People Try

Homemade tests are said to work by reacting to the hCG hormone (produced during pregnancy) present in your urine (1). You may prefer these tests if you have missed periods and other symptoms such as morning sickness, frequent urination, fatigue, bloating and sore breasts (2). The following are some of the most common DIY pregnancy tests that people try.

1. Bleach pregnancy test

How it is done:

Collect the urine in a container.

Mix bleaching powder in it.

If it starts to foam and fizz, it means you are pregnant.

How it is thought to work: The hCG hormone is said to react to bleach and create foams in the urine sample. However, excessive protein in urine without the pregnancy hormone might also cause such a reaction.

2. Sugar pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take about one tablespoon of sugar in a bowl.

Add approximately one tablespoon of urine to it.

Notice how the sugar reacts after you pour urine on it.

If you are pregnant, the sugar is said to form clumps. Else, it simply dissolves.

How it is thought to work: It is believed that the hCG hormone does not allow the sugar to dissolve in urine.

3. Toothpaste pregnancy test

How it is done:

People use white toothpaste for this test.

Take two tablespoons of white toothpaste in a container.

Add the urine sample to it.

Notice if the toothpaste changes its color.

How it is thought to work: It is said that if you are pregnant the toothpaste turns blue or frothy.

4. Vinegar pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take a little vinegar in a plastic container.

Mix your urine in it.

You may notice bubbles while mixing. Let it stand and observe the color.

How it is thought to work: It is said that you are pregnant if the color of the vinegar changes. However, even if the color changes, it might be too mild to observe.

5. Soap pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take a piece of soap that is big enough to hold in your hands.

Pour urine on the soap and notice the reaction.

How it is thought to work: The hCG is said to create bubbles on the soap.

6. Baking soda pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take two tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl.

Add the collected urine to the baking soda, and observe it.

How it is thought to work: Baking soda’s reaction with hCG is believed to create bubbles similar to the ones you find after opening a soda pop.

7. Pine-sol pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take a small amount of standard pine-sol in a cup.

Add a sample of urine in it.

Mix them properly and wait until pine sol gets dissolved in the urine.

How it is thought to work: Pine-sol is said to change the color when it gets in contact with hCG.

8. Dandelion leaf pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take a few fresh dandelion leaves and place them on a plastic sheet, away from direct sunlight.

Pour urine all over the leaves to submerge them.

Wait for at least ten minutes and check if there are red blisters on the leaf.

How it is thought to work: The hCG is believed to react with the components of the leaf.

9. Tylenol and peroxide pregnancy test

How it is done:

Crush two Tylenol tablets and put the powder on a clear glass bowl.

Pour peroxide so that the powder turns fizzy.

Now add a teaspoon of first urine to the above mixture.

Observe the change in color.

How it is thought to work: The reaction with the hormone is said to change the color of the solution to blue.

10. Tuna and vinegar pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take equal amounts of tuna juice and vinegar in a container. Mix them properly.

Now add half a cup of urine to the above mixture.

Observe for some time to see any changes in the color.

How it is thought to work: It is believed that the solution turns green if you are pregnant and yellow if you are not pregnant.

11. Wine test pregnancy test

How it is done:

Take half a cup of wine and half a cup of urine.

Mix both of them.

It takes about ten minutes for a reaction to occur.

How it is thought to work: This too relies on the change in color. hCG is said to change the color of the solution. So, have you decided to try one or more of these tests? Then you might want to know some tips.

Tips To Follow If You Are Trying This Test

Following these tips might help:

Use the first urine of the day as it has concentrated hCG levels.(1)

Use plastic containers and spatula for collecting urine samples and other ingredients.

You may repeat the method to make sure the result is right.
