Gemini women, often characterized by their intelligence and calm demeanor, love to make new friends but can be quite picky when it comes to relationships. Read this post to know the signs a Gemini woman likes you and plan your next move. She does not hesitate to put in the extra effort to get to know a person if she likes them, and she is not afraid to confess her feelings. However, there are more signs that you need to read. So, keep scrolling to learn more about where you stand with her.

15 Signs A Gemini Woman Likes You

If she shows any of these signs, it could indicate that she has a soft spot for you.

1. She makes time for you

A Gemini woman likes to keep herself busy with work, and if she takes time out for you from her schedule, you could be special to her. It can be her way of saying that she loves your company and wants to spend more time with her. A Gemini woman is loyal, and if you have gone out a few times and she continues making plans, it could mean that she likes you.

2. She shares her feelings with you

A Gemini woman is quite secretive about her feelings and refrains from having conversations that put her in a vulnerable situation. She would not share her feelings and thoughts with you unless you mean something to her. If she shows her vulnerable side and eventually unfolds her grave secrets and future plans with you, she could be into you.

3. She debates with you and has intellectual conversations

Gemini women enjoy long conversations, stimulating arguments, and intellectual engagements. She thoroughly enjoys debating with you on various topics and would always try to start interesting conversations if she likes you. She will spend more hours with you stirring thoughts over current affairs, politics, philosophy and enjoy deep conversations with you. If a Gemini woman enjoys the time when you connect intellectually and initiate such conversations, it could be because you are getting close to her.

4. She gives you undivided attention

Gemini women are clear about their relationships and only give you time and attention if you are worth it. See if a Gemini woman only talks to you at parties or invests her time to text you or stays till late at a gathering to talk to you. She would make it evident that her focus is on you and give you her undivided attention. If you find yourself fighting for her attention at social events or if she never calls or texts back, it could mean that she is not into you as much.

5. She bombards you with questions

When a Gemini woman likes someone, she goes all out to find out more about her partner. Asking several questions, Gemini woman silently checks boxes in her mind about how you would fit into her life. She has a peculiar taste, and to find the right person, she asks questions about your experiences, goals, hobbies, and interests. If a Gemini woman asks you too many questions, it could be because she is interested in you.

6. She will play games with you

Gemini women love playing games like Scrabble or Sequence. They are not only good at it but also have a competitive streak in the game. However, they only show this side of them if they like you. Gemini women take game nights seriously and enjoy playing against you or with you on her team. If you are in their inner circle and if they offer playing games with you, you are probably one of their favorites.

7. She will be flirty

Flirting and subtle comments hinting at them liking you could be an obvious way to tell that the Gemini woman likes you. Although they may seem flirty even in friendships, their behavior is different when they have a crush on you. They give subtle hints, make suggestive comments, and give obvious signs that they find you attractive.

8. She won’t give up on you

Even when you are going through a rough patch in your life, a Gemini woman sticks around if she likes you. Gemini women will be there for you through any difficult situation if they like you. They will do all they can to help you sail through the situation and support you by all means.

9. She will buy you gifts

Gemini women love buying things for their loved ones. They get creative gifts after putting much thought into them. A gift from a Gemini woman essentially reflects her efforts to find something that interests you and exhibits her feelings for you. Their gifts often show how creative they can be and show your place in their heart.

10. Her body language is open

Subtle signs in the body language of a Gemini woman could be a clear sign of her liking you. Gemini women often use their hands and arms while talking and use a friendly tone to converse with you. They hold a confident posture and make frequent eye contact while talking. Their chirpiness and exaggerated expressiveness could be a hint about their feelings for you.

11. She finds excuses to touch you

Gemini women like to express their emotions through gentle touches. If a Gemini woman is attracted to you, she might give you warm hugs, touch your arm during conversations and stay close to you while sitting together on a couch. A Gemini woman will not be comfortable doing any of these things if she doesn’t like you. Physical touches could be her way of expressing her feelings for you.

12. She shares knowledge with you

The intelligent and smart Gemini woman loves updating her knowledge. She has explored various genres of books and articles and has several favorites too. If a Gemini woman likes you, she shares her knowledge and directs you towards self-improvement.

13. She introduces you to her people

Gemini women do not like keeping you hidden from others if they like you. They will introduce you to her friends and loved ones to show you off. They strive to include you in their inner circle and take you along in their adventures.

14. She maintains eye contact with you

Eye contact is an evident sign of knowing whether a person likes you, and for Gemini women, this is quite true. A Gemini woman makes eye contact and discreetly exhibits her liking if she is into you. She maintains eye contact while talking with you, and you can find a sparkle in her eyes.

15. She recites poetry for you

Gemini women love poetry. She has a way with words and loves to memorize poems. If a Gemini woman is into you, she is likely to recite poems for you and may even write one for you.