Mosquito bites in toddlers are common, and the itching annoyance these bites cause can irritate your toddler significantly. These bites may sometimes cause severe infections, such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile Encephalitis (1). Additionally, scratching the irritating bites might result in scarring and scabbing. Therefore, prevention is the best approach, and you must take precautions to keep your toddler safe from mosquito bites. This post explains all you need to know about mosquito bites, including recognizing them in toddlers and steps to protect them.

9 Ways To Protect Your Toddler From Mosquito Bites

You need to protect your toddler from mosquito bites. Here is what you can do (2) (3):

  1. Use protective clothing that covers their arms and legs. Wearing socks is also a good idea to protect them from the bites.
  2. Make your toddler wear light colored clothes and avoid flowery prints to keep away the mosquitoes.
  3. Rather than applying insect repellent on their body directly, you can apply it on the clothes and rub gently. The repellents you use must contain eucalyptus oil, picaridin, or geraniol. It must not come in contact with their hands and eyes.
  4. You must never rub DEET products on the clothes of your toddler. The chemicals can cause potential harm to their skin.
  5. Using a mosquito net at home is a good practice that you should follow. You can keep one handy in your car and carry it wherever you go.
  6. Keep your toddler away from areas that have too many mosquitoes. Stagnant water and woody regions are highly inhabited by these pesky insects. Keep your toddler away from motionless water.
  7. You must look out for empty garbage cans, unused toys or portable pool for your toddler that are also suitable breeding grounds.
  8. If you have broken window seals, repair them. Keep the doors and windows closed if you face the problem of mosquitoes where you live. Use a fan or an air conditioner instead.
  9. You must be particularly vigilant with your preventive techniques during dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

6 Effective Tips To Treat Mosquito Bites In Toddlers

Toddlers usually become an easy target for mosquitoes to bite. Here is what you can do while treating mosquito bites in toddlers (4) (5).

  1. If you find your toddler scratching the affected area, apply ice to prevent swelling and itchiness.
  2. You can also apply a roll-on deodorant containing aluminum chloride.
  3. To treat the bite, you may also apply calamine lotion.
  4. Continuous scratching may cause fingernails to break into the skin and cause growth of bacteria. So ask your toddler not to scratch it.
  5. In case you find any signs of infection like pus, redness and swelling, call the doctor.

Symptoms Of Allergies From Mosquito Bites

Some of the common symptoms of allergies that you should look for are as follows (5) (6):

Anaphylaxis (rare) Large hives

Breathing trouble Blisters Difficulty swallowing

You should immediately see a doctor as these symptoms can be life threatening. Apart from being concerned about allergies, you must also consider the dangerous diseases transmitted through mosquito bites.

When To Be Extra Alert For Toddler Mosquito Bites?

In the following cases, you must take your toddler to a doctor at the earliest (7):

If you find reactions occurring in different body parts and he complains of difficulty in breathing. In case itchiness or swelling gets worse.

If your toddler complains of pain and redness in the affected area and it does not subside even after 48 hours. If they talk or act in a confused manner.
