“A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat.” – Unknown. Garlic is a pungent-tasting kitchen ingredient that adds flavor and aroma to food. While it is considered safe for adults, some parents wonder if garlic for babies is a safe choice. Knowing this will help you introduce it to your baby’s diet at the right age and in age-appropriate ways. It is interesting to know that the flavor of garlic seems to appeal to babies before they start consuming solids. Research shows that babies nurse better when their moms have consumed garlic (1). Further, garlic possesses several medicinal properties that can benefit their health. Read on to learn when babies can consume garlic, its possible health benefits, and some tasty garlic recipes you can make for your baby.

When Can Babies Have Garlic?

You can begin giving garlic to babies from six to eight months of age. However, some babies might find it difficult to digest or could develop an allergy. Also, the garlic should be fresh and given in limited quantities. The reaction to garlic can manifest in the form of cramps, swelling, vomiting or diarrhea. Visit a pediatrician if you observe any of these symptoms. Seek medical advice right away if your baby has breathing trouble or severe reactions.

Nutritional Value Of Garlic

Garlic is a good source of vitamin B6, manganese, selenium, potassium, and iron. It is also known to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoal effects, which could help protect the baby from infections (2). Source: https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/169230/nutrients

Health Benefits Of Garlic For Babies

Here are some ways garlic could be beneficial to your baby.

1. Here are some ways garlic could be beneficial to your baby.

The antibacterial and antiviral properties of garlic protect your baby from common cold. Garlic soup could reduce the severity of cold. The volatile oils in garlic help open up the respiratory passages and relieve the condition.

2. Antimicrobial properties regulate infections

Phytochemicals present in garlic could be effective in killing bacteria in the colon and small intestine. However, garlic is harmless on the probiotic microbes residing in the baby’s digestive system. The antimicrobial properties also help heal wounds quickly. You may mix the fresh juice of garlic cloves in fruit or vegetable juice and feed the concoction to your baby (3).

3. Kills harmful intestinal worms in babies

When intestinal worms such as tapeworms enter the baby’s body in the form of eggs, they settle in the intestines and feed on the nutrients, eventually leading to infections and ailments. Garlic can act as an effective anthelmintic drug to kill the intestinal worms (4).

4. Anti-inflammatory effect supports immune system

Garlic stimulates cell types such as macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells, and eosinophils, thus building your baby’s immune system. Also, it regulates cytokine secretion, which could help in the treatment or prevention of obesity, metabolic syndrome, as the baby grows (7). When we say garlic is good for your baby, we mean a limited quantity of it. Give him the right amount to enjoy the benefits of this food.

How Much Garlic Is Safe For Babies?

Initially, serve one garlic clove a day. Treat garlic as a new food and follow a 3-5 day wait rule to rule out any allergic reaction. If they do not show any reactions, you may gradually increase the quantity but remember a baby cannot eat garlic like an adult does.

How To Select, Store And Use Garlic?

Use fresh garlic rather than the paste or powder. Select the one that is juicy and white. Peel off the skin, mince or crush and add it to the diet. Chopping or crushing helps secrete OSCs. Keep crushed garlic aside for 10 minutes before cooking. This would allow OSCs to develop completely. Serve garlic soup to your little one, by adding a pinch of sugar to camouflage the strong flavor. Store garlic in a warm, dry place. Don’t give a whole clove to your little one as it is hard to chew and may pose a choking hazard. Instead, add it to the various recipes that you make for them by finely slicing or crushing it.

Garlic Recipes For Babies

Here are some simple recipes containing garlic:

1. Chicken-garlic soup

Preparation time: 40 minutes You will need:

50 gm boneless chicken

1/2 tsp ginger (grated)

3-4 garlic (chopped)

5 cups water

1 small onion (finely chopped)



How to:

2. Tomato rasam (Indian recipe)

Preparation time: 40 minutes You will need:

3 tomatoes

2 garlic cloves (chopped)

2-3 black peppercorns

1 cup water

1/2 tsp cumin seeds

salt for taste

1/2 tsp oil

How to:

3. Garlic bread (10 months)

Preparation time: 15 minutes You will need:

1 garlic clove

1 ciabatta (Italian white bread)

50g softened butter

1tsp fresh parsley (chopped)

How to:
