In the past few decades, the medicinal use of elderberry for kids has gained popularity. It is used to treat common ailments such as cold, indigestion, flu, etc. Elderberries are bluish-purple in color and are highly nutritious. They may be consumed in several forms, and the most common forms are jams, cordial, juice, and pie (1). Elderberry is also used in several dietary supplements and medicinal products. However, it is vital to check the product’s safety for children before serving them to children. Read about the benefits, potential risks, and precautions to follow while using elderberries for children.

Is Elderberry Safe For Children?

Moderate consumption of cooked, fresh or dry ripe elderberries is safe for children. However, uncooked ripe elderberries and unripe elderberries could be harmful. Elderberries naturally contain lectins, hydrocyanic acid, and sambucine that may lead to gastrointestinal disturbance and toxicity (2) (3). Cooking the berries renders these compounds inactive, making them safe for consumption. Nevertheless, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician before trying elderberry for children. You must also consult a doctor before trying elderberry dietary supplements and medicinal products since they are not FDA-approved, meaning their safety for children is not fully known.

When Can Children Consume Elderberry?

There is no recommended age for elderberry consumption among children. Most children begin consuming cooked elderberry products, such as jam, by the age of one year. However, it may not be the case with every child, hence consulting a pediatrician is advisable. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) advises against the use of elderberry dietary supplements or herbal products for children under 18 years of age (4). If you wish to use these products, consult your doctor or an alternative medicine expert.

Possible Benefits Of Elderberry

Elderberries are rich in several nutrients, such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants, such as flavonols, anthocyanins, and phenolic acids. Thus, the consumption of elderberries may offer the following health benefits (5) (6) (7). Elderberries are also believed to maintain cardiovascular and ocular health over time, although more research is needed to prove these benefits for children (7).

What Are The Side Effects Of Elderberry?

Elderberries may cause the following side effects in some children (8). Besides these effects, ingestion of raw (uncooked) ripe or unripe elderberries may lead to severe gastrointestinal discomfort, including symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting. Ingestion of too many uncooked elderberries may also lead to toxicity, affecting the nervous system adversely.  

Precautions To Take While Feeding Elderberry

Here are some precautionary steps that can ensure the safe consumption of elderberries among children (8). Elderberry is a nutritious fruit that must be consumed ripe and well-cooked. There are several elderberry products available in the market, such as elderberry jams and syrup. You can feed your children elderberries as part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. Although elderberry extracts are being used for the treatment of colds and flu, the research is still preliminary.
